RENDER UNTO GOD by Janet Huhn Nov. 1, 2024

This was a question someone asked on a Facebook post that I recently saw:

I need someone to tell me why millions of Christians are going to support the least Christ-like person in America next month… Explain it to me like I’m in Bible class.

I usually don’t get involved in political discussions, but what caught my attention was what seemed to be a genuine desire here, with a request for it to be backed up by the Bible, on why some Christians do what they do. I think there is a bigger picture than the politics of this world involved here, and His name is Jesus. I was thrilled to have an opportunity to share my heart from what I believe is my spiritual Christ-centered perspective. Here’s my reply to the question on the post…

“I believe that it’s because asking Christ into our life doesn’t make any of us in our own selves so-called ‘Christ like’ or perfect; it just means, as believers, we have accepted into our lives the only One who was and who will ever be perfect. I’ve already cast that eternally significant vote! Only the Holy Spirit can open our eyes to this understanding, if we truly desire to spiritually begin seeing with His new spiritual eyes.”

“I love your question, as I sense a true desire to listen to and try to understand another Christian’s perspective rather than just judging any possible short-sightedness. All of us are flawed since the fall in the Garden of Eden, wanting to be like God ourselves. It’s called fallen flesh. So, candidates, just like other people, aren’t ever going to be like Christ, ‘Christ-like’, let alone be even believers in Jesus. Only He, through His grace, can live through us; it’s not from any of our own so-called ‘good works’.”

“There was only One Christ and His name is Jesus. The Bible tells us that the government is on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6) which says to me that He is Lord over all the rulers of this world. (See what Jesus said to Pilate in John 19:10, ‘You would have no power over Me at all unless it were given to you from above.’) So, I believe that the Lord’s will is going to be done regardless of what candidate is elected. He tells us what is going to happen to this world at the end of His word/Bible.”

“The Bible also says in Mark 12:17 to render unto Caesar that which is Caesar’s and unto God the things that are God’s. My vote has already been cast for God through Jesus for Him to be Lord of/in my life. So, my vote for what is Caesar’s, in the big picture, is a vote for a world that is perishing, anyway. That’s the way it is for me as a Christian. I live in the world but not of it; I am simply a pilgrim here. We and this world will all turn to dust, and our time here is but a speck compared to living with Him, beginning now in foretaste and in heaven for eternity.”

“My earthly vote might be like voting for vegetables while you prefer meat. If we both partake in what we eat unto the Lord, that’s all that matters. His will is going to be done. The essential thing we’ll be judged for at the Judgment Seat of Christ will be whether we’ve accepted in reality (voted for) Him into our hearts. John 3:16, ‘For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.'”

“Thank you, again, for your heart felt question and giving me an opportunity to give my heart felt reply!”